Seasoned California Chicken

Simple instructions for cooking our California Chicken to perfection!

Seasoned California Chicken

Simple instructions for cooking our California Chicken to perfection!


    1. Remove from refrigerator and hold for at least 1 hour prior to cooking
    2. Bring oven to 375°F, place in a baking dish and into oven to roast
    3. Baste with butter or oil every 15 min throughout cooking process
    4. Cook for approximately 1hr 10 min to 1hr 20 min, to an internal temp of 160-165°F
    5. Take temperature at the center of the thickest part. (Internal temps are a more accurate gauge of doneness.)
    6. Loosely cover w/ foil and rest for 20 minutes at room temp before slicing


    1. Remove from refrigerator and hold for at least 1 hour prior to cooking
    2. Bring oven to 250°F, place in a baking dish and into oven to roast
    3. Baste with butter or oil every 15 min throughout cooking process
    4. Cook for approximately 1hr 50 min to 2hr, to an internal temp of 160-165°F
    5. Take temperature at the center of the thickest part of the turkey. (Internal temps are a more accurate gauge of doneness.)
    6. Loosely cover w/ foil and rest for 20 minutes at room temp before slicing​